You're invited to find The Way to Joy with us this fall!

What remarkable memories must have flooded the mind of the Apostle Paul as he sat to write letters back to the churches he had planted. In some, he focused on theology, some on warning about false teachers, but in his letter to the Philippians, which he wrote from the darkness of a jail cell, he chose the topic of the true and unquenchable joy available to all who know Jesus Christ.  

The Christian life is an invitation to encounter joy at its purest, which the world cannot match nor the darkest of circumstances take away. In our fall-series starting on September 22, Community Grace will journey verse by verse through Paul’s epistle of joy, and everyone is invited to experience the joy of Jesus together

Finding The Way To Joy Together

This nine week study of Paul's letter to the Philippian church is an All-Church Series. That means we will be taking what we learn in Sunday morning worship services and going deeper throughout the week in: