BiMonthly Updates

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  • BiMonthly Update - June 2024

    In our church services last Sunday (6/23/24) we observed the Halfway Celebration of our Building Impact Initiative and gave some great updates to the strategic ways Community Grace is impacting our community and world right now. Those updates and thoughts perfectly launched my message on Acts 13.

    They say that when preparing to travel, you should lay out all your clothes and all your money, then take half your clothes and twice the money! That’s wise advice, especially when traveling to a place like Africa where many unexpected things can happen – to Central African Republic (CAR) specifically, where Team Community Grace is sending a group of representatives this fall, as part of the Building Impact Initiative and our formal adoption of the Fulani people of CAR. Those representatives are: Mike and Myra Taylor, me and my daughter Gabby, Max Ashenfelter, Pastor Steve, and Jay Bell.

    We are all very excited, but WE are not “the team.” That’s right! Because this is a churchwide adoption of an Unreached People Group (UPG.) Therefore, “The Team,” as we see in Acts 13, includes those who are going AND all who are sending!

    This is true for all five focuses of the Building Impact Initiative:

    Our main air conditioner is one of those focuses, and an exciting update on that – It has been installed! The old A/C, affectionately called “Big Bertha,” is no more. Bertha lasted 5 years beyond life expectancy! Now, it would be cheaper to issue a little battery-operated box fan to everyone as they enter each week. But walk into any building in town and you will be cool because A/C is a baseline standard in our cultural context. It is a barrier to the gospel not to have it. So, we prioritize it. And by YOUR faithful giving, we avoided taking on debt to pay for it. I think you, and we can celebrate that!

    We consider the other four wonderful items as all-church team focuses as well. I urge everyone to reread our detailed FAQ sheets about all five focus items of the initiative, now that we are halfway through it. You will be reminded of the great vision and purposes God is accomplishing through us right now. Then, keep reading the fantastic personal testimonies, and keep praying about how you will be involved.

    We have raised $125,134.50 toward the $200,000 goal -- More than halfway there at the halfway point. But that is with only slightly over half of our church participating so far. What could we do for these five identified impact items with 100% participation? It will be awesome. It will impact every one of us and many others who are waiting for us to reach them. 

    God could turn rocks into gold to cover costs, but He doesn’t. He invites us to co-labor with Him and gives us personal growth as we invest in growing His Kingdom!

    Will you participate right now? How can you?

    1. Fill out the Faith Promise CardThis is the main tool to participate.
    2. Give as you are able by the instructions below, or on the back of the brochures and our weekly bulletin.
    3. Instructions for giving Gifts in Kind can be found towards the end of the FAQ sheet.
    4. Kids are joining this initiative, too, by filling a Lego bank and enjoying emptying it down the Giving Chute!  


    This, brethren, is how every work of God has always been and continues to be funded and supported... Starting with the first Gentile church in Antioch, in Acts 13, as the entire church participated, meeting needs and sending out the first two missionaries ever sent. This is the legacy of Jesus’ church which we can continue together today.


    God continue to bless Community Grace and keep us devoted to You. For your glory and our joy,


    Pastor Reg  

Read our Testimonies of the Impact of Generosity

Enjoy these testimonies to the joy of generosity and the impact of giving at Community Grace!

Read testimonies from previous months here.

Jim and Tammie Robinson

June 2024

"Jim and I have attended and served Community Grace for 28+ years. Jim has had many years of doing maintenance on the facilities, sometimes stretching the life of things just a bit longer until necessity demanded a change. That was the case with the A/C for the Worship Center. We are thankful it no longer limps but runs efficiently with the new system. 

We also both love serving the body and the community, so when this Building Initiative was announced, we prayed and crunched the numbers and then added to our normal giving. Why? Because we are passionate about these things, and we knew the need was great. It's been fun watching God do his work through His people, and we are thankful we can be a small part of that."

- Tammie Robinson

Read more Impact Testimonies Here

Building Impact Locally & Globally

Since my ministry at Community Grace Church started in January 2020, I have been privileged to be part of seeing our church building impact in amazing ways! This has happened through the faithful generosity and participation of you, our attendees and members. 

It is exciting for our church to be on a steady growth curve as we increase in ministry reach, small groups, membership, and weekly attendance. As we look to the future, we are asking you to continue building impact so we can continue seeing God glorified in our community and beyond. Next year, we will expand our focus in the global mission by adopting the Fulani people. In just a few short years, LCA will be leaving our campus and our desire is to effectively grow our ministry and mission locally during that change, which requires investment in our church building's needs. Will you partner and invest in this initiative, above your regular giving? We are building impact to fulfill our vision to "worship the King, mature as family, and engage the world."

- Pastor Reg Overstreet

Our Recent Church Growth In Numbers

In the last four years we have strengthened our ministries and we have started new ministries: Hospitality Ministries, Friday Night Soccer, Men’s Leadership Class, Community Care Fund, and many others. We’ve also added six staff members to our team, launched our new vision statement, annual church goals, and experienced double digit budget increases.                                     

Marriages are being restored; people are getting counseled and set free; children are being discipled by their parents; people are being trained and sent out; nations are being reached; we are all growing as worshipers.

We are raising $200,000 to continue building impact in our community and our world for generations to come!

How This Money Will Be Used


Major Facility Needs - Our current A/C has lasted 25 years, praise God, but it is dying and repair is not possible. Caring for our building and providing cool air in our warm summer months is crucial to continue making impact in our community.

Ministry Impact and Facility Enhancements - We will continue to update and optimize our worship center and gym spaces by addressing acoustic treatment and upgrading technology fitting for future growth. Handicap accessibility will be added to our upstairs youth room.

Preparing for LCA's Transition - We will prepare reserves for when Lakeland Christian Academy moves out of our building in 2-3 years. When that happens, we will move our nursery and offices and transform our campus for further exciting impact in the community. 

Outreach to the Nations Among Us Including Soccer and Hispanic Outreach - Friday night soccer at Community Grace has become well-known in our community. We hope to grow that outreach and are adding new methods of impacting the many nations which live among us in Warsaw.


We will launch our strategic mission focus to adopt the Fulani people of Central Africa. This will include celebrating an adoption ceremony and sending a vision and prayer team to ministry to them in 2024.  

Hear more from Pastor Reg
about how this money will be used.


How To Give

Faith promise gifts to the Building Impact Initiative can be given on Sundays, through the mail, via Venmo, and online.

1. Give your one time gift
2.Give a monthly faith promise gift starting in 2024



9:15 & 11:00 AM Services


909 S. Buffalo St, Warsaw, IN 46580



Faith Promise Card

Faith Promise Sunday was February 4, 2024, and we celebrate that 73% of our $200,000 was given or turned in by faith promise commitment by that day. But there is still farther to go. Community Grace's elders have asked everyone to participate in the Building Impact Initiative to some extent by making "Faith promises" for 2024, so that it is a truly all-church endeavor that we all share. These faith promises will be anonymous and just between you and God, but a tremendous help for us to track the amounts promised toward the initiative. Weekly and monthly gifts add up significantly over time. Putting aside just $50 per month adds up to $600 toward the initiative! 

Please prayerfully read through the Faith Promise Card and consider how the Lord may be leading you to participate in Building Impact in 2024. Then, fill out a hard copy and place in an offering box or deliver to the church office, or send an electronic copy to 

You can download a .pdf version of the Faith Promise Card or pick one up at the Connection Center. Thank you, Church Family. We are on this mission together!

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:8)