Reg and his wife Sarah have their childhood roots in Warsaw before God moved their life's adventure across the country. After 15 years of pastoral ministry in Lakewood, Washington, Reg was appointed by Community Grace as its Lead Pastor in February 2020. Reg grew up in Warsaw, moved away in 12th grade to Florida and then to Washington State, and has now returned after 29 years with great excitement about the future that God holds for Community Grace.
Reg’s education includes a B.S. in Business Administration at Clearwater Christian College in Clearwater FL; Master of Theological Studies at Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma, WA; and Doctor of Ministry at Corban University School of Ministry in Salem, OR. His family includes his wife Sarah, a Warsaw girl who he met while visiting family in the summer of 2004, and the resulting six amazing girls: Lizzy and Gabby (who are uniquely different but very close twins), Sophia (an accomplished friend-maker), Penelope Joy (a supreme imaginer), Agnes Faith (a snuggle-loving friend to all) and the littlest, Leandra Irene who lives up to her names’ meanings, “lion-like peace.” The Overstreets are also very devoted to God's family, brothers and sisters in Christ, whom Jesus purchased with His blood to make His Church (Eph. 2:12-19).
Steve Harper
God has uniquely gifted Steve as both a shepherd and an administrator. He previously served as the outreach pastor in his home church before following God’s call to Community Grace in April 2023. His development for ministry took an unusual but fulfilling journey, including 32 years in law enforcement that would teach and mold his heart for people – seeing them as those with no hope and needing Jesus. His passion is to reach people for Jesus and to assist the church in being highly effective in building His Kingdom.
Steve has an MBA from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Clarks Summit University in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. He is the father to 4 grown daughters and the proud “Papa” to his grandkids.
A favorite past time for Steve is riding his Harley as much as possible in the warmer months. With Kosciusko County having over 100 freshwater lakes, Steve looks forward to exploring and discovering as many as possible!
Chuck comes to Community Grace with over 25 years of leadership experience in local churches in the Warsaw area. He has undergraduate degrees from both Grace College and L’ University de Lyon, France. He also has a masters degree in Biblical Studies from Grace College & Theological Seminary. Chuck counsels youth, adults, and couples with nouthetic counseling. Nouthetic counseling uses God’s words in the Bible to console those who are hurting with the end result being to please God in their walk. Peter, in his letter (II Peter 1:3) writes that God has given us (His children) everything pertaining to life and godliness in His book the Bible. Chuck cherishes having a heavenly Father, who through His Holy Spirit chips away at the old nature and causes growth in ways that were never thought possible! God in every way is working for our good and His Glory (Romans 5).
Chuck and his wife Melissa have been married for over 30 years and enjoy spending time with their adult kids. They enjoy connecting with others through discipleship, small groups, missions, and teaching at Grace College. Their favorite evening involves games, music, and lots of laughter!
Shawn is originally from Kendallville, Indiana and graduated in 2014 from the The National Institute for the Development of Ministries to Youth. Shawn has a passion and desire to see young people be equipped to serve Jesus in whatever area of life they choose to pursue. It is Shawn's goal to see young people know what they believe and why they believe it so they can make an impact for Jesus in their everyday life. Shawn is married to his wife Alexis and they have three daughters, Sadie, Lillian (Lily), and Talia. In addition to ministry and family life, Shawn is an avid sports fan, and loves coffee and Dr. Pepper. If you have any questions about the youth program he would be happy to meet with you.
Tristan arrived at Community Grace in the fall of 2015, shortly after moving to Warsaw to attend Grace College. He graduated with degrees in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministry. After graduating, Tristan pursued training in worship ministry through Sons & Daughters Worship School in Ft. Wayne, IN. It was through this experience that Tristan sensed the Lord solidify his calling into worship ministry. Tristan loves Community Grace and has a passion for seeing people express their praises to God.
Tristan married Alex in July of 2019. He enjoys both playing and writing music, drinking good coffee, and laughing. He and Alex both serve with the youth ministry at Community Grace and share a heart for the next generation.
Jay Bell
Jay Bell was born and raised in Los Angeles. His first cross-cultural experience was a U.S. government all-expense paid trip to Viet Nam. Thinking Jay must enjoy getting shot at, his Uncle Sam sent him back to “The Nam” for two additional tours of duty.
Upon returning back to the “real world,” Jay graduated from Cal-State, University, Long Beach. While attending Talbot Seminary (at Biola University), Jay went on staff of the Long Beach Grace Brethren Church in 1976 as the Pastor of College Ministries and Missions. During that time, he participated in the planting of three ethnic churches: Grace Cambodian, Grace Indonesian and Iglesia Evangelica de los Hermanos.
The Bells made a “cross-cultural leap” from L.A. to Winona Lake, Indiana in 1991 to go on staff with Encompass World Partners. Jay served as the Asia Director for many years opening ministries in Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand. He also served as the Director of Internationals USA, helping churches accelerate the Great Commission among the nations in their own community. For the past four years Jay has taught in the Bible Department at Lakeland Christina Academy. In August, 2021, Jay became Resident Great Commission Consultant at Community Grace.
During his travels Jay has had the distinction of contributing to the “billions and billions” of hamburgers sold by eating a Big Mac in the following countries: Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Holland, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey
Alex has been attending Community Grace since the fall of 2017. She graduated from Grace College in December of 2019 with a B.A. in Youth Ministry. Alex loves the church and has a heart to see the church grow and thrive as one body, united in Christ. It is her joy to radiate the love of Jesus to all she encounters so that one day the earth might be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (Habakkuk 2:14).
Alex married Tristan in July of 2019. When she isn't in the office, Alex loves to spend time with friends, catch up with 909 students, run, hike, attend the occasional concert, and drink good coffee. If you see her around, please say hi!
Amy has a passion for the next generation and seeing them impact the world for Jesus. She has been serving with youth in some capacity since she was 18! Along with being a member of the 909 youth staff, she also serves in various areas of the Women’s, Decorating, and Worship ministries here at CG.
Amy and her family made the moved to Indiana from Illinois in July of 2015. They have been attending Community Grace since the summer of 2021. She has been married to Jackie since 2003 and they have a son, Evan, who graduated from Warsaw High School in 2024! Some of Amy’s favorite things are coffee, friends, DIYing, and game nights!
As the Director of Facilities, Roger serves by handling the general maintenance tasks for the church. Roger spent 17 years doing residential construction in Pennsylvania before moving to Warsaw to do maintenance at Grace College Physical Plant. Roger is married to his wife Karen, and together they have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.