Our Children are the Church of Today

In our Kids Ministry, our mission is to help kids find their way back to God, connect with others, and contribute to changing the world. We believe that kids have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through Bible lessons, songs, and crafts.

Children's Ministries

Groups available for all ages
infant through 4th grade.

Sunday morning classes:

9:15 AM & 11AM (class for 5th & 6th Grade)

Wednesday Night Groups 6:30 PM - 8 PM*
*Wednesday groups meet during the school year, and take the summer off.

A note from "Mr. Paul"
-- Paul Hostetter,
Children's Ministries Volunteer:

"It is our goal for your child to learn that God loves them, feel that we love them, all the while learning about God and His Word and having fun! From our Sunday morning classes at 9:15 and 11 am and Kid[s] Worship at 9:15 am, to the Wednesday night “Kid[s] Group[s]” at 6:30 pm, our focus is to point the children to Jesus.

Using a curriculum called The Gospel Project, your children will be taught that the whole Bible is His-story! It is God's rescue plan for all of Humanity, a story that has Jesus as its focus, from Genesis to Revelation. We hope to see you in one of our groups soon!"

Who's Involved?

Every Sunday morning we provide a safe environment for kids from birth through 6th grade where they can learn about Jesus and connect with each other.

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry, and it’s an honor to serve with each and every one of them as they love on kids each week! Every volunteer who leads in the Kids Ministry has had a background check and is committed to making the ministry a safe, Biblically relevant, and fun environment for your kids.

"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

How should I prepare my kids?

Each Sunday, you will need to check your child(ren) into our Kids Ministry just past the Connection Center in the main foyer. There are plenty of greeters and signs to guide you in the right direction. At check-in, Parents are given a matching sticker with a code specific to their child(ren) to keep with them while their children are in our care. When it is time to pick up your child(ren) your sticker is used as a security measure. Only parents of children or someone with the designated sticker may pick up a child.

Thank you so much for helping us as we strive to make our Kids Ministry a safe environment for your kids to learn about God.

Interested in Serving?

We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Kids Ministry. Pick up an application from the Check-In table or see

Jessica Pycraft, Children's Ministry Director, and help make our church a great place for kids and their families to be!