BiMonthly Update - October 2024

Our first GO Team had boots on the ground in the Central African Republic in October. Our formal adoption ceremony to adopt the Fulani People of Central Africa, an unreached people group, took place during our 30th Annual Chili Cook Off and Mission Auction in November!
You can learn more about the Fulani, the GO Team's experiences, and re-watch the ceremony here.

BiMonthly Update - August 2024

Hello, Community Grace Family and Friends, We have another Building Impact Initiative Bi-Monthly Update
--this time in video!

If you are unfamiliar, the Building Impact Initiative is our 14-month-long, focused giving toward 5 amazing ministry and mission opportunities for the future impact of our church. Unlike you might think from the title, it is not a "building campaign" for a new building, but rather a means for CG's "BUILDING IMPACT in our Community and World!"

Here is a quick review of the five awesome focus areas, listed in the order they are being highlighted in these
Bi-Monthly Updates:

(Last winter’s update) Focus #4 - Local Cross-Cultural Outreach

(Last HOT spring’s update, just in time!) Focus #1 - Main Air Conditioner

(This Update Video!) Focus #2 - Ministry and Facility Enhancements - for Youth, Worship Space, Handicap Accessibility, and more.

(Next update this fall, in conjunction with our CAR trip and Fulani Adoption Ceremony) Focus #5 - Global Outreach and Adoption of the Fulani People of the Central African Republic!

(The final exciting update before 2024's year-end) Focus #3 - Preparing for LCA's Departure in Summer 2026
– Consultation and Early Preparations for Transforming our campus from "a hidden school with a church” to "a wide open Resource Center for the Entire Community!"

For more Information and to Give, please keep scrolling!

BiMonthly Update - June 2024

In our church services last Sunday (6/23/24) we observed the Halfway Celebration of our Building Impact Initiative and gave some great updates to the strategic ways Community Grace is impacting our community and world right now. Those updates and thoughts perfectly launched my message on Acts 13.

They say that when preparing to travel, you should lay out all your clothes and all your money, then take half your clothes and twice the money! That’s wise advice, especially when traveling to a place like Africa where many unexpected things can happen – to Central African Republic (CAR) specifically, where Team Community Grace is sending a group of representatives this fall, as part of the Building Impact Initiative and our formal adoption of the Fulani people of CAR. Those representatives are: Mike and Myra Taylor, me and my daughter Gabby, Max Ashenfelter, Pastor Steve, and Jay Bell.

We are all very excited, but WE are not “the team.” That’s right! Because this is a churchwide adoption of an Unreached People Group (UPG.) Therefore, “The Team,” as we see in Acts 13, includes those who are going AND all who are sending!

This is true for all five focuses of the Building Impact Initiative:

Our main air conditioner is one of those focuses, and an exciting update on that – It has been installed! The old A/C, affectionately called “Big Bertha,” is no more. Bertha lasted 5 years beyond life expectancy! Now, it would be cheaper to issue a little battery-operated box fan to everyone as they enter each week. But walk into any building in town and you will be cool because A/C is a baseline standard in our cultural context. It is a barrier to the gospel not to have it. So, we prioritize it. And by YOUR faithful giving, we avoided taking on debt to pay for it. I think you, and we can celebrate that!

We consider the other four wonderful items as all-church team focuses as well. I urge everyone to reread our detailed FAQ sheets about all five focus items of the initiative, now that we are halfway through it. You will be reminded of the great vision and purposes God is accomplishing through us right now. Then, keep reading the fantastic personal testimonies, and keep praying about how you will be involved.

We have raised $125,134.50 toward the $200,000 goal -- More than halfway there at the halfway point. But that is with only slightly over half of our church participating so far. What could we do for these five identified impact items with 100% participation? It will be awesome. It will impact every one of us and many others who are waiting for us to reach them. 

God could turn rocks into gold to cover costs, but He doesn’t. He invites us to co-labor with Him and gives us personal growth as we invest in growing His Kingdom!

Will you participate right now? How can you?

  1. Fill out the Faith Promise CardThis is the main tool to participate.
  2. Give as you are able by the instructions below, or on the back of the brochures and our weekly bulletin.
  3. Instructions for giving Gifts in Kind can be found towards the end of the FAQ sheet.
  4. Kids are joining this initiative, too, by filling a Lego bank and enjoying emptying it down the Giving Chute!  


This, brethren, is how every work of God has always been and continues to be funded and supported... Starting with the first Gentile church in Antioch, in Acts 13, as the entire church participated, meeting needs and sending out the first two missionaries ever sent. This is the legacy of Jesus’ church which we can continue together today.


God continue to bless Community Grace and keep us devoted to You. For your glory and our joy,


Pastor Reg  

BiMonthly Update - April 2024

Hi Community Grace and Friends,

It is April 2024, and this is the second bi-monthly update for our 13-month strategic giving initiative. Thank you for your response so far, we are making good progress!

Based on your giving and “faith promises,” we have moved forward in some exciting ways which I will share. Also, with each update, I will give special attention to one of our five focuses, this time, as you will see below, it will be on focus item #4.   

Read about all five focus items in detail here. 

But first, the progress. Since my last update in February, Pastor Steve and I have interviewed a few church consultants who we might possibly hire to give us needed insight on construction, architectural, and ministerial factors facing us in repurposing the entire campus for future generations after LCA moves to their new facility (likely in summer 2026). Even these initial consultant interviews have been inspiring as those we’ve interviewed have asked such good questions and shared valuable knowledge for churches entering seasons such as ours.  

The engineers at Core Mechanical Services are completing the construction of our main air conditioning unit--which will hopefully be installed soon because warmer weather is coming!

My primary Focus Item for this report is Focus #4 - Outreach to the Nations Among Us Including Soccer and Hispanic Outreach - Friday night soccer at Community Grace has become well-known in our community. We hope to grow that outreach and are adding new methods of impacting the many nations which live among us in Warsaw.

Beyond soccer (video below,) our three new mission teams which seek to propel Community Grace deeply into local and global outreach are all up and running and off to a good start.

Read about these teams in the Frequently Asked Questions sheet, under Focus #4.

Finally, last Sunday, April 14, 2024, we launched an exclusive way for our CG Kids to participate in the Building Impact Initiative. Each will receive their own building block change bank that they can fill up with coins and bills, and then have the FUN of running up the sound room stairs in the foyer and dumping it into the big funnel, down “Impact Giving Chute!” We hope for 100% participation in the Building Impact Initiative, and kids are equally parts of our church family as well!

As God works in your life or ministries in which you are involved, we would love to hear the stories. Please take a minute to share them with the church office at


For giving instructions and all Building Impact Initiative information, visit that page at any time, right here


For God's glory and our joy,


Pastor Reg and the Leadership Team of Community Grace

Focus #4 - Outreach to the Nations Among Us
Including Soccer and Hispanic Outreach

Leaders of our rapidly growing soccer ministry, Jose Lara and Memo Barbosa and team, created this wonderful
2-minute video highlighting the impact this ministry is making in our community, which is extra exciting as
it is narrated by a new young brother who gave his life to Christ this year!
Watch that video here:


BiMonthly Update - February 2024

Community Grace Family Member,

Thank you so much for your generous giving and "faith promises" toward our “Building Impact Initiative." We have been so pleased by our congregation’s generosity.

As you heard announced on "Faith Promise Sunday," February 4, the total amount given so far was $94.489.10 plus additional faith promises of $49,972.28 for the remainder of 2024. That places us at 73% of the total goal of $200,000, which is a good place to be at the outset of the year. Please continue placing a priority on God's plans for impact through Community Grace. 

Based on this start, we are able to go forward with some of our five focuses that need to begin soon. We have contracted with Core Mechanical Services to engineer and install the new central air conditioning unit, Lord-willing during LCA's upcoming spring break (focus item #1). We have begun our planning for the time LCA moves off our campus in the next 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years (focus item #3). We are about to launch a new Mobilization Team that will focus on local outreach, including to the nations who live among us (focus item #4). And, we are preparing our initial prayer and vision team to travel to Central African Republic to meet our partners on the ground there for ministry to the Fulani people (focus item #5). 

Read about all five focus items in detail here. 

The Faith Promises everyone made are for 2024. This means we have 10 1/2 remaining months to pray, share, and enjoy many updates and testimonies to come. Many of you made a Faith Promise that indeed required faith from you and will allow you to see how God provides as He promises. This is why we have called this a spiritual journey.

As God works in your life or ministries in which you are involved, we would love to hear the stories. Please take a minute to share them with the church office at

For giving instructions and all Building Impact Initiative information, visit that page at any time, right here

For God's glory and our joy,

Pastor Reg and the Leadership Team of Community Grace

Testimonies of the Impact of Generosity

Testimonies to the joy of generosity and the impact of giving at Community Grace!

Read our most recent testimony here.

  • Brian and Jenn Stichter,

    "It is always fun to see how God impacts those who give just as much as those who receive the gifts..."

    We have attended Community Grace all our married lives and have learned to love each other deeply while growing closer to the Lord. We have raised 3 boys in the church and CG has supported us as we taught our boys to love the Lord and others. The teachers, pastors, and friends came alongside to support our family through illnesses, losses, and many other times in our lives.

    Over our 30 years at CG we have been involved in youth ministry, single adult ministry, nursery ministry, preschool ministry, trustees, construction of the YMAC, deacons, mission commission, women’s ministry, and small group ministry.

    We see that faithful giving is mandated in Scripture. (Leviticus 27:30). We also know that going above and behind the 10% tithe has a great impact on our worship. We have seen the results of giving to ministry and missions. When we were both missionaries on the Navajo nation for a few years we saw the impact of missions changing lives of both the missionaries and those they are seeking to minister to. It is always fun to see how God impacts those who give just as much as those who receive the gifts. We have always sought to give not only money, but time, and talents.

    We are excited to see how gifts to the Building Impact Initiative will be used by God to further the Gospel in Warsaw and the surrounding area and are excited to see the vision for ministry and how many people will share in the impact in our community. This has been a team effort to raise funds for this next step in the life of our CG family and we would encourage everyone to join us on the team!

  • Mike and Judy Fisher,

    "We believe our youth are the church and we are excited to see that our church is willing to invest in them through this building initiative!"

    Mike and Judy Fisher have attended Community Grace for over 35 years and are excited to be a part of the Initiative. "Our main focus for all those years at CGBC has been our youth. Both of us have served as youth staff for many years, Mike serving the longest. A part of the Building Impact Initiative is to improve the space in our youth facility. This will help expand the space currently being used by the youth group to make it more flexible and it also provides other opportunities for that space to be utilized. We believe our youth are the church and we are excited to see that Community Grace is willing to invest in them through this Building Impact Initiative!"

  • Jim and Tammie Robinson,

    "It's been fun watching God do His work through His people, and we are thankful we can be a small part of that."

    Jim and I (Tammie) have attended and served Community Grace for 28+ years. Jim has had many years of doing maintenance on the facilities, sometimes stretching the life of things just a bit longer until necessity demanded a change. That was the case with the A/C for the Worship Center. We are thankful it no longer limps but runs efficiently with the new system. 

    We also both love serving the body and the community, so when this Building Initiative was announced, we prayed and crunched the numbers and then added to our normal giving. Why? Because we are passionate about these things, and we knew the need was great. It's been fun watching God do his work through His people, and we are thankful we can be a small part of that.

  • Morgan Cody,

    "I am so thankful for how God has used the ministries of Community Grace to completely change my life and my relationship with Him."

    I have been attending Community Grace since February of 2020 and since the day I first walked in the door I have felt more love and acceptance than I ever have in my entire life as a believer. When I first started coming, I was in a place of isolation in my heart and mind towards the Lord. It honestly was a last-ditch effort to see if following Jesus was actually worth it. I have grown more in my faith and walk with Jesus in the last three and a half years because of the faithful community of believers that is Community Grace. 

    I am involved in a small group and I also serve in a few different ministries which have continued to strengthen and encourage my walk with the Lord. I brought some pretty heavy baggage through the door and was met with grace and truth from our pastoral staff. They walked alongside me and gave wise counsel. They led me to a path of discipleship, which is something I didn’t realize I lacked in my life, but I now see I could never live without. I am now regularly being discipled and am also discipling someone else, which is the goal and mission of the Church isn’t it? “We exist to glorify God by being Christ followers who make Christ followers.”

    I am so thankful for how God has used the ministries of Community Grace to completely change my life and my relationship with Him. I ask that you prayerfully consider giving a gift to the Building Impact Initiative. Know that when you give, it is not just giving money to a fundraiser so we can buy more stuff, but you are directly equipping the church to be the church. 

    Understandably, everyone cannot always financially give, but would you give the gift of time in prayer for this project? Pray that we would use this gift that the Lord provides to bring glory and honor to Him, and that this initiative will help Community Grace continue to impact our community and the world for the Lord.

  • Stephanie Rager,

    "The closest I have ever felt to heaven has happened within the walls of this building."

    This summer it will be 48 years since my family moved to the Warsaw/Winona Lake area and my parents chose to make Community Grace our church home. I was just a toddler at the time. We had been attending the North Canton Grace Brethren Church prior to our move and lived closer to many other churches but because of Warsaw Christian School being part of the church at the time, my parents felt Community Grace was the place for us. My mom prayed that if she were to have a teaching position with WCS, they would reach out to her, and God answered that prayer by having them offer her a position as a kindergarten teacher. My mom had been a teacher and headmistress at a Christian school in Canton, but kindergarten was a perfect spot for her, and she remained there for nearly 30 years. All that to say, between being with my mom while she served at church and school, and attending church and school activities, I spent as many hours in this building as anywhere else in my early years.

    As the song teaches us, the church is not a building; but the material resources that God has given Community Grace have been a great benefit to me and many others. It is within these walls that I first heard many of the Scriptures that are now hidden in my heart. Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 are forever in me because of reciting them at my kindergarten graduation on the stage in the sanctuary. It is within these walls that I first met people who would become lifelong friends and my spiritual community. I have celebrated our marriage, mourned the deaths of our daughter and my father, and committed and recommitted myself to Christ and His teachings too many times to count here. The closest I have ever felt to heaven has happened within the walls of this building.

    I could (and maybe should sometime) write pages and pages about the people at Community Grace who have made an impact on my life, and while God certainly is not bound by any material limitations, I do want to be a good steward of the resources He has given us with this property and these buildings. I want others now and until Jesus returns to have a space to hear God’s Word, to grow in their faith, and to have the privilege of serving God and this community alongside other believers. I want us to embrace and embody what Jesus prayed for in John 17 when He asked the Father “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, so that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” I pray others will join and I “wait in expectation” (Psalm 5) to see what God will do!

  • Vince & Andrea Sell,

    "God is going to work with or without my gift, but I would rather be a part of what God is doing than not."

    We’ve been attending Community Grace as a couple since 2014. It is where we got married, where our kids have been dedicated, and where we have been challenged and encouraged by people who love us. Our closest friends and the people who know us best are here.

    Giving our tithe to Community Grace allows us to take greater ownership in the mission the church seeks to accomplish in our community. Not only are we volunteering our time and our talents, but we are also giving back a portion of the financial gifts God has given us to further His mission through our church.

    A good reminder to me is that God is going to work with or without my gift, but I would rather be a part of what God is doing than not. When you give, no matter how much, it is going to go further than any particular goal or project because it is money given for God's work.

    As a young boy and a pastor’s son, I was given the task in our small church to be an "usher" and pass the offering plates each Sunday. I did this for countless years and each Sunday I got the opportunity to watch my father drop his own check into the offering plate. He was a pastor and still saw the purpose of tithing as something he needed to do.

    As I grew older, and started making my own money my parents always stressed the importance of giving back to God "of the first fruits." My parents taught me this was 10% of the gross of my paycheck. I never had a problem with their rule because I saw them taking it as seriously as they expected me to take it.

    I continued to tithe into college, as a single man, and we continued as a young married couple with significant student loan debt. It was nonnegotiable. Sometimes things were tight, but there was always enough. I wouldn't say we have ever had a lot, but what we have had has been enough.

    We have come to find that God has blessed us in so many ways, it seems wrong to not give him a portion back. He asks for our whole heart but only a tenth of our paycheck. It could have been the other way around, but He is a good father who wants to give good things to His children.

    We want to be good children and answer his love with our gifts. We encourage you to consider a gift to The Building Impact Fund and invest in the future of our Church!

  • Guillermo and Linda Barbosa, 
    "This church has invested in these ministries not only financially but with resources."

    This is Guillermo Barbosa, and I have been a member of Community Grace since 12/15/2021. Being a part of this church has been a wonderful experience! It is hard to describe in words the joy, and my spiritual journey has been fantastic.

    This church invests in a variety of ministries and I was privileged to participate in the Men’s Leadership Classes that started in January and finished in May 2023. It impacted my life drastically because I felt that I grew spiritually more in those months than in previous years.

    It helped me to get to know other men in the church better, which made me more comfortable being part of this church. The classes were very well prepared and very well presented, impacting the lives of many men and their families.

    I have been privileged to work in the summer soccer camp and winter Friday Night soccer ministries. This church has invested in these ministries not only financially but with resources. The church provided the means to purchase new goals, new soccer balls, and did some repairs to the gym. These ministries have been successful, and now we have expanded to include girl’s soccer ministry on Saturdays.

    I am participating in the “Building Impact Initiative” because through it, we will impact the local and global mission; individuals, families, and our community will be blessed and God will be glorified. I am happy to do it, and I encourage others to participate. God loves a cheerful giver.

  • Scott and Anne Schramm
    "Giving is a blessing that is an eternal investment."

    We've attended Community Grace for 32 years. In that time, we have seen a lot of high points and some low points. We believe the Lord is currently blessing Community Grace and we are very excited, probably more than ever, to see where He is going to take us and how we are going to be able to impact the world for Christ! 

    God has worked in a variety of seasons in our lives from being college students, newlyweds, new parents, raising children, empty nesters to grand parenting. Through the teaching, rubbing shoulders with godly friends, and opportunities to serve we have grown in our relationships with Christ throughout the years. 

    By giving financially, God is using what He has blessed us with, to bless all at Community Grace, the community of Warsaw and the World! Whether it's through our general budget, missions giving, or meeting a certain need, we love supporting our church's needs and also hearing reports of people being impacted for Christ outside of our church through Community Grace's impact.  The joy that comes across a face when people have been unexpectedly blessed is contagious! It is also a good feeling to be obedient to the Lord in our giving!

    If you're considering giving to the Building Impact Fund, we would say to look at the goals and purposes of this giving. If you feel these are things that you believe are important and you are feeling the prompting of the Holy Spirit, then give!

    We believe you will be blessed by developing consistent giving throughout the entire year! Giving is a blessing that is an eternal investment. Everything we have has been given to us from our Heavenly Father. It brings God joy when we give financially and can be done by any age. If you give to the Building Impact Initiative it will not only bless the areas you are involved with at Community Grace but it will bless all activities held at 909 S Buffalo, Warsaw community, and the world! 

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